Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae
Canons of Bioethics Law

one heaven iconII.   Life

2.1 Life

Article 23 - Hydro Carbon Life

Canon 4748 (link)

Hydro-Carbon Life is defined as the Universe of simple and complex polymers distinguished by their common foundation on arrangements of hydrogen-carbon strings, chains and shapes forming close bonds in order to form more complex arrangements.

Canon 4749 (link)

Hydro-Carbon Life itself may be defined into six (6) levels, the simplest being polymer and the most complex and sophisticated being self-aware higher order life.

(i) Level 1 is Polymers divided into two (2) groups being simple polymers such as sugars, fats, amino acids and nucleic acids and complex polymers being hormones, complex fats, vitamins and proteins.

(ii) Level 2 is Mono-Cellular Life; and

(iii) Level 3 is Simple species (a-sexual) distinguished by the existence of a mono-neural network system such as fungi, algae, jellies & sponges, worms and echinoderms, ferns and horsetails and moss; and

(iv) Level 4 is Simple species (sexual) distinguished by the existence of a dual network neural system such as coral, mollusks, crustaceans, insects and pedes, flowering trees and plants; and

(v) Level 5 is Complex Species (sexual) distinguished by the existence of a triple neural network system such as egg laying, pouched and placentals (mammals); and

(vi) Level 6 is higher order civilized life distinguished by evidence of civilization and culture.

Canon 4750 (link)

Hydro-Carbon Life is usually found in greatest complexity and density within the atmospheres of moons and planets.

Canon 4751 (link)

Hydro-Carbon Life is recognized as the Universal process of molecular evolution in a molecular atmosphere conducive for more complex molecular shapes leading to cellular life. As is demonstrated by the Divine Creator through the laws of Unique Collective Awareness (UCA) wherever the right conditions exist in the Universe, other Hydro-Carbon Life will exist.

Canon 4752 (link)

Hydro-Carbon life is further recognized as the Universal principles of cellular life based upon the unique and complex arrangement of specialized cells that make up more complex life forms such as plants, animals and men and women.

Canon 4753 (link)

When a life form has achieved such a level of sophistication of three (3) brains, including the ancient brain (stomach and intestines), primal brain (brain stem) and higher brain (cortex), they possess the ability to dream and are self aware. Such life is to be respected, for an animal that can dream can also feel pain and joy and can exist as unique conscious awareness beyond the form of their physical self.