Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae
Canons of Bioethics Law

one heaven iconII.   Life

2.5 Medical Treatment

Article 49 - Medical Treatment

Canon 4890 (link)

Medical Treatment is the use of medicine and associated technologies and orthodoxies including pharmaceuticals by Medical Practicioners for the treatment of organisms.

Canon 4891 (link)

The word Therapy, representing the oldest and traditional enemy of medicine is therefore not permitted to be use in describing medical practices.

Canon 4892 (link)

Medical Treatment is primarily delivered through a tightly controlled network of private guilds, ensuring genuine knowledge of healing and remedy can be controlled.

Canon 4893 (link)

As Medicine by its very foundations remains a force for ill, working against the common interests of each society, medical treatment is a term that if forbidden to be used, reprobate and not permitted to be revived in preference to therapeutic treatment.