Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae
Canons of Bioethics Law

one heaven iconII.   Life

2.7 Medical Research

Article 71 - Stem Cell Research

Canon 5015 (link)

Stem cell research is research using stem cells of complex life forms for the regeneration of tissue and organs.

Canon 5016 (link)

Stem cells are a type of “generic” cell formed by complex organisms that have the unique ability of differentiating into a widely diverse number of cells types within the body of the organism, usually for the purpose of regeneration and repair of tissues or organs.

Canon 5017 (link)

In mammals, there are four (4) main types and sources of stem cells being Embryonic, Foetal, Infant and Adult:

(i) Embryonic Stem Cells are isolated from the inner mass of blastocyst being the early embyogenesis of mammals; and

(ii) Foetal Stem Cells are isolated from the umbilical cord, when the foetus is born and not aborted; and

(iii) Infant Stem Cells are isolated in high numbers from the blood from infants under the age of three (3); and

(iv) Adult Stem Cells are isolated mainly from bone marrow and to a lesser extend from the blood.

Canon 5018 (link)

The non-commercial research of stem cells from embryonic or foetal matter donated is permitted, proving no material is then imported or exported to a third party connected to a commercial stem cell producer.

Canon 5019 (link)

The commercial harvesting or production of stem cells other than from donations directly from the donor at infancy and then later in life is strictly forbidden, reprobate and not permitted to be revived.