Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae
Canons of Bioethics Law

one heaven iconV.   Self-Aware Life

5.1 Self-Aware Life

Article 92 - Animal Treatment

Canon 5106 (link)

Regardless of whether an animal is kept for the ultimate purpose of having it killed and using its flesh for food, the life of every animal should be respected and handled with dignity.

Canon 5107 (link)

No animal should be kept in semi-permanent or permanent confinement and such barbaric conditions that it is unable to move itself freely and is deprived of basic dignity. Battery farms and factories that show no compassion towards the life of animals should not be permitted to continue in such models.

Canon 5108 (link)

No animal should be subject to torture or prolonged agonizing death, no matter what type of animal it is. Cruelty to any kind of life is without respect for life on Earth and life in general. No justification exists, no matter what the scientific purpose or claimed outcome that animals are subject to torture and prolonged pain.

Canon 5109 (link)

Any man or woman who is found guilty of ill treating animals is also guilty of breaching a solemn oath of office as custodian and protector of all other life.