Canonum De Ius Virtus Naturae
Canons of Bioethics Law

one heaven iconV.   Self-Aware Life

5.1 Self-Aware Life

Article 99 - Animal Flesh and By-products

Canon 5133 (link)

Animal Flesh and by-products are the flesh, skin, bone, fluids and any other by-products of the carcass of deceased animals.

Canon 5134 (link)

The consumption of the flesh, bone or blood of Homo Sapiens is absolutely forbidden, reprobate, suppressed and not permitted to be revived.

Canon 5135 (link)

The use and historic practice of the skin of Homo Sapiens for parchment, book binding, papal bulls and other magic rituals is absolutely forbidden, reprobate, suppressed and not permitted to be revived.

Canon 5136 (link)

The ritual slaughter of animals according to any kind of official or religious ceremony is absolutely forbidden, reprobate, suppressed and not permitted to be revived