Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law

one heaven iconV.   Mind Influence (PSYTELL)

5.1 Mind Influence

Article 130 - Mind Terror

Canon 1355 (link)

Mind Terror , also known as “brainwashing” is a word describing systematic extremely negative mind influence to manipulate the minds of subjects to achieve the desires of the manipulator(s).

Canon 1356 (link)

The two emotions upon which all Mind Terror is based are fear and anxiety.

Canon 1357 (link)

All systems of Mind Terror may be classified into one of three (3) types based on the primary objective(s) of the operator being Ritual, Political and Sexual:

(i) Ritual Mind Terroris a system through elaborate and false beliefs that seeks to convince a subject mind that it is totally under the control of an operator in this life and the next, sometimes before some traumatic and horrific murder of the victim; and

(ii) Political Mind Terroris a system that seeks to convince a subject mind that it is totally under the control of an operator sometimes to perform certain politically motivated acts such as assassination or murder-suicide; and

(iii) Sexual Mind Terror is a system that seeks to convince a subject that they are totally under the control of an operator and a form of sex slave.

Canon 1358 (link)

Ritual Mind Terror is based on five (5) fundamentally flawed and false concepts that the operator convinces the victim subject as true being Brutalization, Resignation, Assignation, Damnation, Obligation:

(i) Brutalization is the false and flawed belief that through extreme Physical and Cognitive Trauma men, women and children automatically disassociate themselves as cognitive beings with spirits and instead revert to animalistic instincts; and

(ii) Resignationis the false and flawed belief that through Indoctrination, Physical and Cognitive Trauma that consent and resignation of their plight is easier and better than non-consent, resistence or open rebellion; and

(iii) Assignationis the false and flawed belief that through Indoctrination a subject victim gives their consent freely to be condemned as a perpetual slave to the operator in life and after death; and

(iv) Condemnationis the false and flawed belief that the operator has the power often through ritual murder to condemn and damn the mind of the subject victim into perpetual servitude, often enhanced through extraordinary traumatic and horrific murder; and

(v) Obligationis the false and flawed belief that after their murder, the mind of the subject victim remains in perpetual service to the operator and their organization.

Canon 1359 (link)

Political Mind Terror is based on based on seven (7) fundamentally flawed and false concepts being Animalization, Traumatization, Elimination, Implantation, Disassociation, Suppression,and Recognition:

(i) Animalization is the false and flawed belief that all men and women are essentially animals, devoid of any higher spiritual attributes; and

(ii) Traumatization is the false and flawed belief that physical and cognitive trauma is an effective tool for “deprogramming” and “reprogramming” minds; and

(iii) Elimination is the false and flawed belief that free will can be eliminated through effective mind control techniques; and

(iv) Implantation is the false and flawed belief that complete new physical memories can be implanted into the mind; and

(v) Disassociation is the false and flawed belief that the victim will disassociate the trauma and torture from the torturers; and

(vi) Suppression is the false and flawed belief that the memory of the trauma and other false systems of mind control will be suppressed as if “it never happened”; and

(vii) Recognition is the false and flawed belief that the alleged implanted memories can be brought up and triggered through special signs and signals.

Canon 1360 (link)

The most common perpetrators of Mind Terror are governments in maintaining systems of control.

Canon 1361 (link)

The use of Mind Terror including any laws, statutes or orders that permit it is prohibited.