Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law
V. Mind Influence (PSYTELL)
5.2 Mind Influence System
Article 140 - Testament
Canon 1394 (link)
Theterm Testament was first invented at the Jesuit College of English in the late16th Century then delivered through the guise of the Shakespeare portfolio aspart of the introduction of the world’s first Mind Influence System that eventuallyreplaced physical slavery with (voluntary) slavery of the mind. The wordTestament is derived from two Latin words testa (ri) meaning “to bear witness to, give evidenceof; to make known, publish, declare; as pass. to be attested, declared; to makea will; to call to witness” and ment(is) meaning “Mind”. Hence the true originalmeaning of the word Testament is “to bear witness, give evidence or make a willabout the mind”.