II. Mind (PSY)
2.2 Concepts of Perception
Article 23 - Environment
The word Environment is derived from three (3) Latin words being en meaning “in / within”, vireo meaning “to be green, to be fresh, flourish” and mens / mentis meaning “mind”. Hence the literal meaning of Environment from its origins is “within a flourishing mind” or simply, “within one’s imagination”.
Environment is equivalent to a wakeful and conscious dream projected over the perceived dimension of the external world so that the two (2) become indistinguishable.
The function and purpose of Environment is a natural biofeedback and reinforcement mechanism allowing the Mind to perform optimally by projecting a rough approximation of the real world over known as well as unknown places so that dramatic variations can be better identified and sensory overload can be minimized.
The ability for the Homo Sapien species to project sophisticated Environments in inhospitable climates makes it the most adaptive species on planet Earth. It is also a fundamental prerequisite for complex urban living.