II. Mind (PSY)
2.3 Concepts of Identification
Article 26 - Ego
The prime directive of Ego is to keep minds separate from each other and from the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA).
The pure expression of Ego is the manifestation of unrestrained gratification of pleasure and desire without honor, without virtue and without empathy with no conception or acceptance of responsibility for the consequences.
As the prime directive of Ego as a Mind Virus is to keep the Minds separate from each other and the Unique Collective Awareness (UCA), there are three (3) forms of Ego mimicking the three (3) Minds being lower Ego, higher Ego and super Ego:
(i) Lower Ego, also known as base Ego, also known as Id in psychology infects the lower Mind (lower self) by presenting itself as true lower self in the form of basic instincts, pleasure drives derived from being an animal; and
(ii) Higher Ego, also known as intellectual Ego, also known as “Ego” in psychology infects the higher Mind and reacts to a growing educated Mind by presenting itself as a voice of rational reason, self justification and “plausible deniability”; and
(iii) Super Ego, also known as spiritual Ego, also known as “superego” in psychology cannot infect the divine Mind, but instead seeks to pretend to be the divine Mind by claiming to be a higher conscience, in the form of judgment, condemnation and fanatical behaviour should a particular mind rebel against lower and higher Ego pressure of pleasures.
A consistent trait of Ego is what Ego says and does is wholly contradictory.
The constant theme across all three (3) forms of Ego is the promotion of self gratification and self fulfilling perception of self both which promotes and reinforces isolationism and delusion.
The predictability of Ego is one (1) of its validations as both the false Mind and as a pathogen, namely:
(i) Lower Ego, also known as base Ego seeks to harness impulsive selfish emotions directed towards immediate sensory self gratification; and
(ii) Higher Ego, also known as intellectual Ego seeks to utilize selfish or unselfish emotional stimulus directed towards goal achievement and peer/public recognition; and
(iii) Super Ego, also known as spiritual Ego seeks to manipulate claimed unselfish emotional stimulus directed towards the appearance of public benefit, good works, piety and honor for acknowledgment and praise as a “living saint” or “messiah” in one’s lifetime or term of office.
The ultimate expression of the highest Ego being super Ego is “messiah syndrome”.
As Ego is deeply engrained within the inherited programming of all Homo Sapiens, there is no absolute cure, only gradual and progressive reduction of its effects through true knowledge, self discipline and disease management. Ego has no cure in either in res or ad rem.