II. Mind (PSY)
2.1 Concepts of Cognition
Article 4 - Being
Human Being, also known as “Human”, is a term deliberately created in the 16th Century to update the naming of perpetual slaves to the Lords of the Land from the 13th Century term “Serf”. Human is derived from two (2) Latin words humi meaning “land, soil, country, on the ground” and anus meaning “rectum, (marriage / pledge) ring, old”. Hence the word Human literally means “married / bound to the land / earth” and Human Being legally means “land creature” also known as chattel – a variation of cattle and simply “land”.
Within Ucadian societies, Human Being means any member of the Homo Sapien species, also: level 6 self aware life form.
The phrase "Human Being" is defined by the Roman Cult as meaning the equivalent of a "land creature", "chattel", "lawful slave" and "land", therefore the Roman Cult definition of this phrase is hereby reprobate, suppressed and forbidden useage by Ucadian Officers, Members and Societies.