Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law

one heaven iconII.   Mind (PSY)

2.4 Concepts of Sensation

Article 42 - Selfishness

Canon 971 (link)

Selfishness, is one (1) of six (6) emotions of influence and control used by minorities in power to manipulate populations by modifying the six (6) ancient primordial biological emotions. Selfishness or “self addiction” is based on the sixth primordial emotion of self stimulation and the self obsessed desire to be stimulated and self focused to the exclusion of the needs of others.

Canon 972 (link)

Similar to greed and lust, Selfishness particularly in obsessive focus on material possessions can only function when the commercial apparatus of society stays relatively stable. Once the health of an economy declines or the individual is deprived of their spending power, people tend to re - connect in more and more selfless acts.

Canon 973 (link)

In accordance with these canons, the deliberate use of Selfishness, as a tool of statecraft, control, governance, influence or manipulation is rebrobate, forbidden and not permitted to be revived.