Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law

one heaven iconII.   Mind (PSY)

2.5 Concepts of Comprehension

Article 44 - Reason

Canon 985 (link)

Reason is an ancient phrase now used as a term to define the cause of events and any formal system of thinking using cognitive abilities to conceive, judge, deduce or imply such causes.

Canon 986 (link)

The word Reason is derived from an ancient Gaelic word reasun meaning literally “what is your frame of mind, mood, humor today?” from re meaning “time period”, as meaning “as / in” and sun / sund meaning “frame of mind, mood, humor”.

Canon 987 (link)

Everything in the Universe may be observed and related according to Reason.

Canon 988 (link)

The absence of Reason is therefore the absence of cause.

Canon 989 (link)

The absence of Reason in Law, the law ceases.