Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law
II. Mind (PSY)
2.1 Concepts of Cognition
Article 9 - Ultraconscious
Canon 733 (link)
Ultraconscious is derived from the word conscious and ultra meaning "extreme; far beyond the norm" in Latin. Hence, Ultraconscious literally means "the most extreme, the furthest beyond knowledge, science or skill" reflecting the function and purpose of the ultraconscious as the highest and ultimate point of consciousness.
Canon 736 (link)
The Ultraconscious Mind is unique as it records objective memories, thoughts and decisions created and managed by the other systems of Mind according to Divine Law and Natural Law. It is the only Mind that records a truly objective and independent memory of events themselves as an accurate reflection of what the Mind as a whole perceives and feels.