Canonum De Lex Divina
Canons of Divine Law

one heaven iconII.   Divine Systems

2.4 Divine System of Spirit

Article 26 - ALL

Canon 214 (link)

The meaning of ALL is Awareness Loves Life. As we are living, we naturally view the answer backwards as Life Loves Awareness (LLA).

Canon 215 (link)

Life is a dream, reality is spirit as everything is spirit in motion.

Canon 216 (link)

The ALL cannot physically interpose itself twice without collapsing the Universal Dream and all existence. Therefore, only Awareness may intercede.

Canon 217 (link)

The ALL (Unique Collective Awareness) is morally neutral.

Canon 218 (link)

As the ALL is morally neutral, any claimed personality traits such as jealousy, hate, love, sacrifice and retribution are for a lesser spirit of the AEON.

Canon 219 (link)

As such claimed personality traits such as jealousy, hate, love, and retribution are for a lesser spirit of the AEON, any laws founded on a divinity greater in claimed size than the AEON demonstrating such traits are null and void ab initio (from the beginning).

Canon 220 (link)

As all laws founded on a divinity greater in claimed size than the AEON demonstrating negative personality traits are null and void ab initio (from the beginning), any claims of authority, magisterium, divine legitimacy derived from these laws are also null and void ab inito.

Canon 221 (link)

As the ALL is morally neutral, Hell does not exist, except for those lesser spirits of the AEON who have been tricked or convinced themselves through false beliefs of such torment.

Canon 222 (link)

As the ALL is morally neutral, all laws, rules and beliefs assuming the existence of original sin, original debt, or some other burden are false and null and void ab initio (from the beginning).