Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law
IV. Faith
4.1 Cosmology
Article 100 - Monotheology
Canon 4152 (link)
Monotheology is any Cosmology model based on the presumption of a single universal Supreme Being above all other supernatural beings, who is responsible for the creation of the Universe.
Canon 4153 (link)
Any theology such as the Roman Cult that is based on a Theology of Trinity is not a Theology based on Monotheology but Pantheology.
Canon 4154 (link)
While Monotheology may initially appear to resemble a Cosmology closely resembling Natural Law as defined by these canons, Monotheology most commonly presumes a Supreme being capable of direct physical intervention, which contradicts the most fundamental natural laws of the Universe. Therefore Monotheology is an inferior Cosmology.