Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

one heaven iconIV.   Faith

4.4 Eschatology

Article 122 - Apocalypse

Canon 4278 (link)

Apocalypse is a word reserved for prophecy and revelation of future events containing several signs and symbols considered so profound, mysterious and sacred that it is set above other prophecy and therefore often recognized by multiple Religions and Cults. Hence, the word “Apocalypse” is synonymous with certain End Time Prophecies considered supremely significant.

Canon 4279 (link)

By definition, apocalyptic visions are considered as inspired by the Divine Creator. Hence the use of extreme imagery, symbols and signs of deep profound mystery as only the generation and people who are supposed to know the true meaning of the message will see it revealed.

Canon 4280 (link)

The Divine purpose of Apocalyptic visions are that by their nature and respect across Religions and Cults they are the least likely of all messages to be deliberately corrupted and edited over time. Secondly, because of their significance they tend to be some of the most widely known sacred scripture of all people.Therefore, at the appropriate time as defined by the Divine Creator, such scripture is the key to unlocking a profound change within all people, despite generations of deception, false education and promotion of false beliefs.

Canon 4281 (link)

The literal interpretation of apocalyptic writings only is an act of extreme ignorance and directly contradicts the very definition and purpose of such writings. Any Religion or Cult that promotes the literal interpretation of apocalyptic writing instead of the respect of allegory and as yet unsolved symbols of significance is guilty of supreme ecclesiastical dishonor and injury against its followers and the prophecy itself.