Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

one heaven iconV.   Sacraments

5.1 Sacraments

Article 134 - Act

Canon 4361 (link)

An Act is an Occurrence in Time and Space of two (2) or more Parts in sequence experienced involving at least one (1) Celebrant and two (2) Observants.

Canon 4362 (link)

The term Act originates from the ancient Latin word actum meaning “a thing done”.

Canon 4363 (link)

All valid Sacraments possess a minimum and maximum of three (3) Acts in accordance with these Canons.

Canon 4364 (link)

The fulfilment of a valid Sacrament requires the completion of all of the three (3) Acts associated with it, in the order and manner prescribed.