Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

one heaven iconV.   Sacraments

5.1 Sacraments

Article 141 - Memorial

Canon 4381 (link)

A memorial is a permanent, semi-permanent or temporary physical object produced in memory of some Event.

Canon 4382 (link)

All valid administrative writs, processes and acts derived from the thirty three (33) valid sacraments of One Heaven require a corresponding memorialization or reflection of the ritual, custom or act that matches on the “private side” to balance as its valid source. This is most often perfected in the form of obverse/reverse of instruments.

Canon 4383 (link)

A valid ritual, custom or act derived from one of the thirty(33) valid sacraments and expressed ecclesiastically does not require a corresponding reflection of the ritual, custom or act in the “public side” if the ritual, custom or act is expressed in accordance with its primary ecclesiastical intention and does not involved the conveyance of temporal rights or property.