V. Sacraments
5.4 Apostolic Sacraments
Article 170 - Adventus
Adventus is the fourth of the twelve (12) Apostolic Life Sacraments also known as “The Twelve”, “The Twelve Apostles” and “The Means”. Adventus is granted and administered within 30 days of the 12th birthday of a child that has received the sacrament of Divinus in accordance with these canons and associated approved liturgy.
In accordance with Divine Law and the most sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, if a child having received the sacrament of Divinus dies before being the age of twelve (12), then this unique Divine Immortal Spirit shall be fully entitled to receive the sacrament of Adventus within 60 days of 12 years since being borne.
In accordance with Divine Law and the most sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, the mother or father or next of living kin of any child that died prior to the age of twelve (12) yet was not previously granted the sacrament of Divinus may apply for the special ceremony of Life Sacraments where all sacraments are granted beginning with Annunciation to the sacrament representing the same age as if the child had lived and grown up to the present day.