VI. Institution
6.2 Property and Rights
Article 189 - Trusts
All Trusts, Enclosures and other legal devices of a similar function but different name owned, controlled, administered or held by Religions and Cults having been formed prior to 2006 are hereby terminated, with all property and goods hereby forfeited back to the Society of One Heaven unless such property and goods comply with the most sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.
In accordance with the Ritus Probatum promulgated on Ucadia
Time E8:Y3210:A35:S3:M12:D4 [12 June 2011] to all three Popes of the Roman Cult concerning the Trust named Romanus Pontifex, this trust has been lawfully and completely, dissolved, terminated and redistributed in accordance with the most sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum. Therefore, the office of Roman Pontiff associated with the Trust has also been dissolved.
As the Trust Romanus Pontifex has been lawfully dissolved, all claims over real property including but not limited to land, sea, air, men, woman and other higher order life have also been dissolved. Therefore, any trust, instrument, deed, system founded upon such presumptions are also null and void.
In accordance with the Ritus Probatum Regnum promulgated on Ucadia Time E8:Y3210:A48:S4:M17:D3 [15 August 2011] to all three Popes of the Roman Cult concerning the Trust named Aterni Regis, this trust has been lawfully and completely, dissolved, terminated and redistributed in accordance with the most sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum. Therefore, the office of Roman Pontiff associated with the Trust has also been dissolved.
As the Trust Aterni Regis has been lawfully dissolved, all claims over real and personal property including but not limited to land, sea, air, men, woman and other higher order life have also been dissolved. Therefore, any trust, instrument, deed, system founded upon such presumptions are also null and void.
In accordance with the Ritus Verum also known as “The 144 Truths” promulgated on Ucadia Time E8:Y3210:A63:S4:M6:D5[31st October 2011] to all people throughout the world concerning the Trust known as Convocation and all previous correspondence and writs, this trust and all trusts claimed by the Roman Cult and Venetian nobility have been lawfully and completely, dissolved with all property and rights conveyed to the Society of One Heaven.