II. Supernatural
2.1 Supernatural Dimension
Article 30 - Hell
Hell is a term that defines two key concepts in one: firstly, a specific sub-segment of supernatural dimension in which beings exist in a state of harmony and paradise known as heaven, while others exist in a state of torture and misery known as hell; and secondly a state of being of physical existence in representing torture, misery, disharmony with nature.
As the planet Earth is a natural paradise, therefore natural heaven, it requires extraordinary and deliberately constant effort by one or more religions to create and sustain “hell on earth”.
In accordance with these canons and the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, no supernatural dimension known as Hell exists anymore, now or in the future.
Any religion that is predicated on the unending existence of hell in heaven and upon the earth is a cult of the highest insanity against all Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law. Therefore, such a religion being so thoroughly incompetent is without any authority, not to be practiced and to be removed from history.