III. Sacred
3.1 Sacred Form
Article 61 - Sacred Symbols
Sacred Symbols are certain line art, geometric shapes, carvings and images considered sacred by one or more Religions and Cults.
Ancient Symbols such as the Circle, the Arc and Cross of the oldest priest lines of history such as the Cuilliaéan, also known as the Holly, also known as the Da’vid, also known as the Druvid have always been the most powerful in respecting and recognizing harmony and the harnessing of nature.
Ancient Symbols such as the Square, the Straight-Line and Pentagram of the oldest theatrical magicians of history from Ur, Ur-Gar-Rit, Am-Ur-Ru and Ur-Sar-Lim have always been believed to be the most powerful negative symbols of natural disruption, destruction and attempted control of nature.
The primary differentiation of the sacredness associated with squares, straight-lines, triangles and pentagrams of theatrical magicians is due to the historical addiction and worship of certain hallucinogens, in particularly mushrooms and the LSD effect, producing not only euphoria and a sense of “all-knowing” but psychosis, introversion and consistent “Halluciogenic Entoptic Phenomena” such as straight-lines, lattice, squares, triangles and serpents.
The obsession and addiction to certain hallucinogenic drugs, including the creation of sacred headdress such as the mushroom hat of high priests in their worship, combined with a historic inability to truly connect to the Divine over millennia, has produced a highly complex and ultimately delusional system maintained by the descendents of the theatrical magicians of sacred symbols that bear no resemblance to the life, the universe or the divine.
As ancient misaligned and divinely dissociative symbols such as the Square, the Straight-Line and Pentagram have no natural power whatsoever, any power is derived solely from fraud, false doctrine and manipulation of belief that they possess great significance.