Canonum De Lex Ecclesium
Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

one heaven iconIII.   Sacred

3.4 Sacrilege and UnHoliness

Article 87 - Impiety

Canon 4060 (link)

Impiety is the dereliction of duty, disloyalty, deliberately sinful, wicked and unscrupulous behaviour of Ministers and Clergy of a Religion or Cult.

Canon 4061 (link)

Of all offences against a Religion or Cult in the world until the 11th Century, Impiety was considered the worst of all offences, worse than Sacrilege and Malediction. However, the advent of the Roman Cult and then the elite anti-semitic Khazarian Parasites ensured the deliberate reduction of its significance.

Canon 4062 (link)

Prior to the arrival of the Roman Cult in the 11th Century and the rise to power of the elite anti-semitic Khazarian/Scythian Parasites, Impiety was considered one of the worst of all offences because it meant the clergy and ministers of a religion were actively working against the interests of its followers and through their actions represented the very worst and most dangerous of all heretics.

Canon 4063 (link)

Impiety in the form of deliberately sinful and wicked behaviour, while pretending to be pious is one of the worst forms of impiety in that such action forms a kind of curse against the good nature and name of all followers of the Religion or Cult.

Canon 4064 (link)

The worst form of Impiety is when leaders of a Religion of Cult name themselves “Pious” only to be proven guilty of dereliction of duty, disloyalty, deliberately sinful, wicked and unscrupulous behaviour.