Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law
IV. Consensus
4.3 Consensus Obligation
Article 130 - Remedy
Canon 2296 (link)
The damage, loss, violation or hurt to a physical object or concept under Natural Law itself does not automatically warrant Remedy as Remedy requires the pre-existence of a fictional framework under Positive Law prohibiting certain Actions, an Injured Form, an Accused Form and a lawful Ordinance against the Accused.
Canon 2297 (link)
All Positive Law is by definition imperfect as it is made by men and women. Therefore, all Positive Law requires Remedy to offset its imperfect nature.
Canon 2300 (link)
The absence of valid Remedy as part of any Positive Law negates its validity and renders such a law null and void from the beginning.