IV. Consensus
4.5 Consensus Dispute and Extinction
Article 147 - Misrepresentation
Silence is to be regarded as a potential form of misrepresentation. Lack of full disclosure is also to be regarded as a form of misrepresentation.
Unless concealment by silence or lack of disclosure can be shown, a change in circumstances between an offer, or a consideration and a final Consensus before consent is not of itself sufficient grounds for misrepresentation.
The use of terms without proper disclosure as to their legal effect is a form of Misrepresentation.
Any Mortgage Consensus that fails to properly disclose the financial institution as Landlord, the borrower as Tenant and the agreement as a lease, with interest payments being rent is a form of gross misrepresentation. In accordance with these canons and Pactum De Singularis Caelum all such Consensus Instruments are hereby summarily rendered null and void with the offending financial institution accepting full liability and obligations for their deliberate misrepresentation as penalty.