Article 231 - Res Accusiatio
Res Accusiatio is the ancient principle of Law that one who has been charged with an offence is always given immediately the facts of the accusation(s) in a form that they can comprehend.
The phrase Res Accusiatio is ancient Latin for “the facts of the accusation”.
It is both an absurd corruption and injury to the law when one is charged with an offence and the nature and facts of the accusation are not divulged to the alleged offender.
Res Accusiatio is not the same as Indictment as Res Accusiatio is merely the facts and natures of the charges allegedly against an accused, not the evidence or details of the case to be brought against them at Indictment.
Res Accusiatio is a right of the accused and an obligation of the accuser. When Res Accusiatio is failed to be applied within three days of being charged, the injury against the law automatically sets off any account of accusations and the prisoner must be set free with the case dismissed.