Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconVII.   Law

7.13 Restitution of Law

Article 320 - Penitence

Canon 3328 (link)

Penitence is the enforcement of punitive actions against a person who upon being lawfully convicted of one or more crimes demonstrates neither remorse nor a willingness to reform their character. Penitence is one of only two forms of valid Punishment, the other being Absolution.

Canon 3329 (link)

Where an offender is not willing to show early remorse upon the first opportunity of hearing of the charge(s) against them and subsequently upon the completion of a trial or criminal hearing is found culpable of the said charge(s), then they shall be liable for the sentence regime known as penitence corresponding to the articles of this Code.

Canon 3330 (link)

Where an offender does not offer a guilty plea to each and every charge brought before them at their pre-trial hearing, then they shall automatically not be eligible for absolution, regardless of any subsequent change in plea or demonstration of remorse.

Canon 3331 (link)

Unlike a man or woman who has admitted early to guilt and has shown a willingness to reform, a man or woman who refuses to admit guilt automatically indicates that a period of compulsory actions must be applied "against their will" for some period.