Terms and Conditions

July 2011

The following document outlines the Terms and Conditions of Use of the Great Register and Public Record of One Heaven.

Great Register and Public Record

The Public Record is the Public Record of the Society of One Heaven under the rules of these Articles also known as the Great Ledger of Spirits, also known as the Great Book of Souls, also known as the Great Book of Life, also known as the Great Record of Time also known as the Great Book of Perfect Divine Notarial Procedure also known as the Great Book of Divine Law.

When referring to the Public Record in law, one or all of these names are permitted to be used to mean the one and only Public Record of the Society of One Heaven.

When a thing has spirit and life, when a thing has valid legal personality then it is granted a valid Ledger Entry Number into the Public Record of One Heaven by Notarial procedure for all time.

As a condition of good faith and fair knowledge, these conditions are posted as part of the web site for One Heaven and an explicit link included whenever access to the services of the Register are Provided.

Upon using Great Register by selecting “Register” from the website navigation or by entering information into the register or request information from the Register, you, hereinafter named the “User” consent and agree by your own free will, with full knowledge to the following terms and conditions disclosed to you as a formal an irrevocable binding agreement, free from duress to the following terms:

1. Good Faith

That you, the User shall access and use the Register in good faith and shall not seek to damage it in anyway, through attacking the software, the website or entering information that is knowingly false or misleading; and

2. Access to Register online as Privilege

You accept that access to the Great Register online is a privilege which may be revoked anytime upon evidence that you have not acted in good faith but instead have acted in bad faith by seeking to damage the website, some information or deliberately enter false or misleading information; and

3. Right to Ban You from Online register

You accept that if you are found to have deliberately acted in bad faith and sought to damage the website, information on the web site or provide false and misleading information into Great register that you can be banned from access to the register; and

4. Pursuit of financial and criminal charges against you

You accept that if you are found to have deliberately acted in bad faith and sought to damage the website, information on the web site or provide false and misleading information into Great register that financial and/or criminal charges shall be pursued against you, using all available resources, without limitation of time or distance so that such deliberate acts of bad faith and damage shall be brought to justice and you shall be held to account for your actions.



July 2011

Your privacy is important to the Society of One Heaven. This Privacy and Disclosure Statement (the "Statement") is provided to Visitors, Guests and Members to assist them in understanding the laws, policies and procedures governing the gathering, storage, use and disclosure of storage and use of information by the Society of One Heaven, including why the information is gathered, for what purpose(s) on one-heaven.org Website (the "Website").
A "Visitor" means you are simply browsing this Website with no formal relation to the Society. A "Guest" or "Member" means you have registered with the Society.

Visitor Information

"Visitor Information" is defined as any data, information and/or knowledge n printed or electronic form gathered from Visitors to the Website.
As a standard feature, the Society web sites do capture and store information relating to anonymous visits to out web sites. This information includes and is limited to, the date of visit, page of visit, referring URL, the IP address of the visit. This information is usually stored for a period no longer than 12 months and is used for site usage analysis and security analysis.

Personal Information

Personal Information is defined as any data, information and/or knowledge, in printed or electronic form, relating directly to the Person of a man, woman, corporation or other entity. A Person is the fictional character of a living thing, such as a name, a street address, an account number, IP address, web site visit information etc.

Privacy Policy

The Society subscribes to the Ucadian laws of transparency and Public Record concerning the use of personal information and privacy.

In respect to the Ucadian laws, the Society recognizes that the ultimate owner of personal information is the living entity to whom the Person relates. A third party may store information and use information concerning the Person. However this does not mean that the third party has any right to claim ownership of the Person.
In respect to the Ucadian laws of Transparency and Public Record, the Society recognizes the Great Register and Public Record of the Globe Union of Unions of Free Society and the rule of transparency of transactions and records across the society. A transaction of personal information may not be both legitimate by being registered on the Public Record and withheld from public view at the same time. Any system that promotes and condones secrecy, deliberately or unwittingly promotes the risk of corruption, theft and criminal activity.
Therefore, the Currency Ledgers, the Account Ledgers, Register and Minutes of the Society are transparent to any member of the public including Members of the Society upon coming to this website and other information systems.
A man, woman or entity demanding that their Personal information be kept private and therefore secret is not permitted to transact with the Society in anyway and shall be banned from any transactions with the Globe Union of Unions of Free Societies.

The limited use of cookies

The Society web sites relies upon a user's machine allowing the function of cookies for the limited purpose of essential validation for the sole purpose of a unique visit. The Society web sites do not encourage or promote the use of permanent javascript or asp cookies (stored on users machines).

Security of personal information

All personal information gathered through the course of communication through our web sites is stored securely on password protected databases, accessible only by the individual users, specific staff charged with responsibility for providing services and administration staff.

Accessibility and accuracy of personal information

It is a policy of the Society that any person who has corresponded with the Society, excluding unsolicited communication, has the right to view all data held on them and request for part or all of this information to be deleted if requested. The Society believes this is a beneficial practice in that users having access rights to their information may also ensure the accuracy and quality of information stored.