Pactum De Singularis Caelum

Covenant of One Heaven

section iconProcedures

Article 116 - Public Record

Public Record

The procedures concerning the function of the Great Ledger and Public Record shall be defined by this article.

Valid Ledger Entry

Once a valid entry has been entered into the Great Ledger and Public Record according to the rules defined by this sacred Covenant, it can never be removed.

A record having not been entered correctly according to the rules of this sacred Covenant shall be considered invalid ab initio- from the beginning, even if the number has been issued and published and shall be considered never to have been entered into the Public Record.

Furthermore, any valid Ledger entry granted to an existing juridic person prior to the Day of Redemption that subsequently demonstrates deliberate and evil behaviour contrary to the principles of this sacred covenant within the first seven (7) years of being granted a valid Ledger entry shall have their membership number declared invalid ab initio and stripped from the Public Record.

Standard, Superior and Supreme Version of Public Record

By this sacred Covenant, there shall be three (3) forms of the Public Record:

Standard Form
Superior Form
Supreme Form

Standard Form

Standard Form shall be when only the first valid Ledger Entry number of eighteen (18) digits is listed rather then the full 144 digit ledger entry number.

Standard form shall be the accepted and permitted standard form for all general reference documents, excluding official treaties and other legal documents.

Superior Form

Superior Form shall be when the full 144 digit number of a valid Ledger Record is published.

As the full 144 digit ledger entry represents perfect notarial procedure, when published, the number itself shall represent an official record of procedure being duly notarized, whether between Ucadia societies or non-Ucadia societies.

Supreme Form

Supreme Form shall be when the full 144 digit number of a valid Ledger Record, including a full account of the creation of the valid entry record, including any and all related documents is published.

Supreme Form shall be reserved for Divine Notices and any official notices to non Ucadian Societies.

Withholding from published pre-assigned numbers not redeemed

It shall be permitted by this article to withhold from view on the Public Record all valid ledger entry records for individual membership that have been pre-assigned but not redeemed.

This shall be granted as a practical courtesy and ease of use of the Public Record and in no way invalidates the total set of pre-assigned and valid membership numbers already issued.