Pactum De Singularis Caelum
Covenant of One Heaven
Article 142 - Elder
The procedures concerning the function of the office of Elder, the execution of duty, the inauguration into office, events relating to the vacancy of office and the death of current and previous office holders are defined by this article of the Covenant and any amendments passed according to the rules of this Covenant and the Covenant of One-Spirit-Tribe.
By the authority of this Covenant and by the power of the ceremony of Supreme Instantiation of the Powers and Authority of Elder, an Elder possesses the following real ceremonial and spiritual authorities:
(i) The Elder themselves become a sacred Instrument of Power, a living embodiment of the new Covenant between Heaven and Earth; and
(ii) When an Elder speaks in regards to the holy scripture of One Spirit Tribe, it is to be recognized as having authority within their community; and
(iii) An Elder possesses the spiritual authority to perform cleansing, so that what they decree on Earth is bound in heaven and the spirit world; and
(iv) An Elder possesses the spiritual authority to perform exorcisms, so that what they decree as authority over disruptive spirits they is bound in heaven and the spirit world; and
(v) An Elder possesses the spiritual authority to perform bindings so that what is decreed as bound on Earth in regards to justice and equity is bound in heaven and the spirit world; and
(vi) An Elder possesses the spiritual authority to perform blessings so that what is decreed as blessed on Earth is blessed in heaven and the spirit world.
By this Covenant, only a Elder may perform certain ceremonies, blessings as defined in this Covenant.
By the very definition of the role, the Elder is the purest form of teacher and guide. It is for the value of the message and the discourse of knowledge. It is not for the closing or entrapment of mind, but the freeing of the chains that make us believe we are less.
The Elder embodies the very covenant of this Covenant and as such each Elder represents in themselves and their role an instrument of power- a living embodiment of this Covenant.
By this Covenant, the Supreme Council of One-Spirit-Tribe are authorized to forge a formal set of protocols and standards regarding the Office of Elder which relates to the detailed definition and requirements of operational procedure and function necessitated by such office.
These standards themselves must embody and be consistent with the specific articles of this Covenant and in turn must be approved by a vote of the Supreme Council of One-Spirit-Tribe.