Pactum De Singularis Caelum
Covenant of One Heaven
Article 18 - Rights, Claims and Use
A valid Right is a concept whereby a Person has certain Control, Benefit of Use or Privilege of particular Property. A Right, also known as Right of Use is equivalent to Property.
As a valid Right is equivalent to Property, it presupposes the existence of Property, which implies the existence of a Trust relationship and a valid Trust deed defining the nature and limits of the Right for the Beneficiary. In the absence of Property, a Right cannot exist in reality.
There exists no such thing as a Natural Right under Natural Law, nor Divine Right under Divine Law except those Rights associated with True Trusts and Divine Trusts created in accordance with this sacred Deed and Covenant. Therefore, any claim to the contrary is null and void from the beginning.
There exists in Reality no such thing as Legal Rights, Civil Rights or Statutory Rights, except those Rights eventually granted through the existence of a superior trust to a Juridic Person under its statutes and limits of authority.
Use is a custom or skill and the employ of a right for some benefit. Hence, the ancient principle "Right of Use". Right of Use is equivalent to Property.
The Use of an Object or Concept assumes Possession. However the questions of lawful possession and ownership are distinct from Use.
A Person who does not Use a Form over an accepted period of time, consents to forfeit those Rights of Use dependent on continuous Use to the extent that such Rights are agreed prior to the granting of such Property by Deed or Title.
A Person, who takes Lawful Possession of a Form and Uses it over an accepted period of time, assumes those Rights of Use implied by such Use, whether or not such rights have yet been formalized by Deed or Title.
By this sacred covenant, all men, women and higher order spirits defined by use with various types of Property, have the absolute rights of unencumbered Use of this Property, without any lawful counterclaim, or claimed alternate paper title or deed.
A Claim, also known as a "cause of action", is by ancient definition a witnessed formal oral protest and pronouncement of one or more Rights usually supported by one or more sealed or notarized documents.
The Claim is the vocalization of a formal protest and pronouncement itself. Any associated documents are an Affirmation, Statement or some evidence dependent upon its perfection. Taken together they may correctly be called a Statement of Claim or an Affirmation of Claim.
A claim can be satisfied only through rebuttal by counter-affidavit point-for-point, resolution by jury, or payment of injury. If the plaintiff does not prove his case, the defendant is absolved.
A presumption of a claim in accordance with this sacred deed and covenant will stand good until the contrary is proved.
The validity of a Claim is the validity of the oral argument, constituting two main parts, firstly the formal protest of a challenge of Rights also known as the "wrong" and secondly the re-assertion of such Rights or pronouncement of new Rights also known as the "remedy".
It is insufficient for any Claim to vocalize a wrong without a valid remedy. Similarly, no remedy has validity without first vocalizing a wrong.
Documents alone without any evidence of the vocalized claim can never be considered a valid Claim. However, documents may be presented first to pronounce the intention to Claim at some appointed time and place before a competent authority and witnesses.
Form of action is immaterial to the validity and substance of a claim. Similarly, the concept of Prior Right is immaterial, null and void with respect to any claimed wrong against Divine Law and Natural Law.
As the highest rights of property ownership and use are granted through this sacred deed and covenant, this sacred deed and covenant also represents the highest claim of right above any and all other possible claims.
Unless other persons, aggregates and entities that have injured Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law present a suitable apology and remedy before the Day of Judgment, all those persons, aggregates and entities shall be fully liable to the penalties contained herein, including all punitive actions to ensure their removal and punishment.