Pactum De Singularis Caelum
Covenant of One Heaven
Article 30 - Sacred Office
By this Covenant, an Office is the name given to a most sacred position of authority and title given eternal life and legal personality of its own by this Covenant to which certain special powers are then bestowed.
By this sacred Covenant, an Office may be bestowed upon a Juridic Member, similar to a man, woman or higher order spirit.
By definition an office is a chamber and a chamber is a sacred chapel formed by circumscribed space in accordance with this sacred Covenant and associated laws.
A man, woman or higher order being is appointed by Divine Commission upon Notice firstly to the Office, independently of any other Title.
All Members who are granted the same Office are equal to the same Office, with none higher and none lower.
By this Bond, when one of the same Office speaks as one, the one speaks for all of the same Office. When one of the same Office calls for assistance, all from the same Office are obliged to assist their fellow Officer and when the highest good standing of an Officer is injured, all Officers and the Divine Law and all International Law has been injured by such disrespect.
Only one from the same Office can appoint another to the same Office subject to the same sacred Bond of Nomination to Office for all Offices of One Heaven. If one of the same Office of One Heaven is found to be in disgrace, then the Officer who nominated them must resign all commissions.
By the Power and Authority of this most sacred Covenant, only one hundred and forty four (144) most sacred and ancient official positions are recognized as being permitted to hold any powers and authority by the Society.
These one hundred and forty four (144) Offices are known as the Great Offices of One Heaven, namely:
Adviser | Alchemist |
Ambassador | Architect |
Artist | Assistant |
Astrologer | Astronaut |
Attendant | Auditor |
Author | Ayatollah |
Baker | Biologist |
Bishop | Brewer |
Builder | Butcher |
Caliph | Captain |
Cardinal | Carer |
Caretaker | Carpenter |
Censor | Chef |
Chemist | Chief |
Cleric | Clerk |
Colonel | Commissioner |
Comptroller | Congressor |
Constable | Councillor |
Counsel | Courier |
CuilliaƩan | Custodian (Custos) |
Deacon | Designer |
Director | Distributor |
Doctor | Driver |
Dux | Economist |
Elder | Imager |
Energist | Engineer |
Explorer | Farmer |
Farrower | Gardener |
General | Geologist |
Glazier | Governor |
Groomer | Grower |
Guard | Healer |
Herbalist | Historian |
Hunter | Imam |
Inspector | Instructor |
Intern | Journalist |
Judge | Lama |
Lieutenant | Magician |
Magistrate | Maitreya |
Major | Maker |
Manager | Manufacturer |
Member | Messenger |
Messiah | Metallurgist |
Miller | Milliner |
Miner | Minister |
Musician | Navigator |
Notary | Novice |
Nurse | Nutritionist |
Patriarch | Patron |
Philosopher | Plumbist |
Postmaster | Potter |
Prefect | Presbyter |
President | Priest |
Primate | Proctor |
Producer | Programmer |
Prophet | Prothorabban |
Provider | Publisher |
Rabbi | Ranger |
Refiner | Registrar |
Renderer | Rider |
Sailor | Scientist |
Scryer | Secretary |
Senator | Sergeant |
Sheriff | Sower |
Sponsor | Steward |
Tailor | Tanner |
Teacher | Technician |
Therapist | Timekeeper |
Trainer | Treasurer |
Tutor | Veternarian |
Vicar | Weaver |
Weaver | Welder |
All appointment to any Office that derives its power and authority by Title to one or more of these one hundred and forty four (144) fundamental Offices is by commission according to the notarial procedures of this most sacred Covenant.
Two (2) Notices must be created and notarized for each and every commission, namely:
An instrument known as the Notice of Commission to Office which legally bestows the title and right to Office of the member;
A second instrument known as the Notice of Agreement of Commissioned Officer which outlines the terms of agreement of the member to the position of office and agreed expiry of office.
No member of the Society, nor any Society of UCADIA is permitted to hold office unless these two notices have been duly served and notarized according to the law of the Society.
It is to be taken as law that when a specific commission is granted to a specific higher order being under extraordinary, special or ordinary qualification by this Covenant or any Covenant or Charter of a Ucadia Free Society then the Articles themselves represent the commissioning notices.
By the power and authority of this Covenant, all power and authority of any and all titles used by any and all societies are determined by their demonstration of succession of authority and proof of commission of office to these one hundred and forty four (144) fundamental offices.
An Office demonstrating direct succession of authority from one of more of these offices including proof of commission always possesses superior title.
The Office of Architect is the Office Commissioned by the Divine Creator as demonstrated by the most sacred pronouncements of The Architect to enact Divine Remedy on behalf of all men, women and higher order beings, living and deceased.
By the most sacred Pronouncements of the Architect and by recognition and authority of this most sacred Covenant, all existing power and authority of the Architect are permanently vested into the Office of Member.
The Office of Timekeeper is a Divine Office first created by The Architect on behalf of the Divine Creator in the re-establishment of Divine Time as first granted by the Divine Creator to all men, women and higher beings, living and deceased.
The Office of Timekeeper is a Trustee of Time on behalf of the Divine Creator as evidenced by the possession of a Unique Key of Time. Consistent with all known laws of property and civilized society, an individual who is unable to demonstrate lawful possession of a Unique Key of Time cannot be lawfully considered a Timekeeper of any time system.
The Office of Timekeeper is eternally bestowed as additional powers to the Office of Member by the power and authority of the most sacred pronouncements of the Architect and recognition of the validity and authority of these pronouncements by this most sacred Covenant.
The Office of Member is the Office created by the Architect on behalf of the Divine Creator and assigned as a right to each and every Free Society of Ucadia, with all men, women and higher order beings granted eternal and irrevocable membership to the Society of One Heaven.
The Office of Member is eternally bestowed the additional powers of the Office of Architect as well as the Office of Timekeeper. As validation, a Sacred Membership Key to One Heaven is also a Sacred Key of Ucadia Time as living proof of each and every Member also simultaneously holding the Office of Architect and Timekeeper.
The Office of Ambassador is the sacred office of representative of the Society created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notaries of Ucadia Free Societies.
All Ambassadors of all societies of UCADIA source part of their authority by the order of succession of power granted by this first office and carried down through the other offices of the Ucadian Societies.
The Office of Notary is the sacred office of scribe created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notary of One Heaven. Until the Day of Redemption in 2012, these powers of the 1st Notary of One Heaven are fully vested into the 1st Protonotaries of the Free Societies of Ucadia.
The Office of Treasurer is the sacred office of financial service and duty created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notaries of Ucadia Free Societies.
The 1st Treasurer is the source of financial authority and power in the management of the currency of the Society and all Ucadia Societies. The 1st Treasurer is responsible for the effective execution of all underwriting, redemption of fiat currency duties including ensuring the accurate assessment of all currency and debt instrument redemption.
The Office of Judge is the sacred office of rendering judgment by agreement and duty created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notaries of Ucadia Free Societies.
The 1st Judges are responsible for ensuring the first Judicial proceedings and operation of the Courts behalf of the Divine Creator to all men and women of their Society so that by 2011 all courts are in operation in all free societies to the living law.
The Office of Sheriff is the sacred office of law enforcement, security and military service created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notaries of Ucadia Free Societies.
The Sheriff is responsible for the personal security of all officers of the free society and all members of the free society and is tasked with physically going and serving notice on behalf of the Society to any Court to release any man demanded to be released by the Society and to seize any and all assets in fair notice upon a Notice of Divine Marque and Reprisal in repayment of a debt to the Society.