Pactum De Singularis Caelum

Covenant of One Heaven

section iconStandards

Article 88 - Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum

Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum (link)

By this most sacred Covenant, a Body of Divine Canon Law is formed, also known as Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum. All standards of Divine Law as it pertains to this most sacred Covenant and laws are subject to inclusion in the Body of Divine Canon Law.

Twenty Two (22) Sacred Canons (link)

The Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum shall comprise of twenty two (22) Books, known as Canons, each addressing a fundamental pillar of Divine Law and a domain of knowledge. The Canons are:

Canons of Divine Law

Canons of Natural Law

Canons of Cognitive Law

Canons of Positive Law

Canons of Ecclesiastical Law

Canons of Bioethics Law

Canons of Sovereign Law

Canons of Fiduciary Law

Canons of Administrative Law

Canons of Economic Law

Canons of Monetary Law

Canons of Civil Law

Canons of Education Law

Canons of Food & Drugs Law

Canons of Industry Law

Canons of Urban Law

Canons of Corporate Law

Canons of Technology Law

Canons of Trade Law

Canons of Security Law

Canons of Military Law

Canons of International Law


Primary and only true 1st Divine Canon Law (link)

The Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum represents the primary, one and only true 1st canon of Divine Law. Excluding this Covenant, all other laws, claims and agreements claiming standards of Divine Law and Divine authority shall be secondary and inferior to the Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum ab initio (from the beginning).

Any law, court orders, opinions or other quasi legal claim that contradicts this most sacred fact, or contradicts one or more clauses contained within Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum shall be ispo facto null and voided from the beginning.

All other claimed canon law is null and void (link)

By the authority and direction of the Divine Creator, the united spirits of Heaven, all arch angels, all arch demons, all saints and spirits, all other laws claimed as canon, canonical, norm, standard or eule of law are hereby rendered null and void ab initio (from the beginning).

Henceforth, any claim by any man, woman, higher order life, person, group, aggregate or body to their laws being Canon Laws are false and unlawful,with any and all legal instruments, orders, and agreements deriving their power and authority from such false claims also being voided ab initio (from the beginning).