Pactum De Singularis Caelum

Covenant of One Heaven

section iconStandards

Article 99 - Canons of Monetary Law

Canons of Monetary Law

By this most sacred Covenant, the Canons of Monetary Law are formed, also known as Canonum De Ius Pecuniae. All standards of Divine Law as it pertains to technology and engineering are subject to inclusion in the Canon of Monetary Law.

Primary and only true 1st Canon of Monetary Law

Any law, court orders, opinions or other quasi legal claim that contradicts this most sacred fact, or contradicts one or more clauses contained within Canonum De Ius Pecuniae shall be ispo facto null and voided from the beginning.

Structure of Canon of Monetary Law

The Canon of Monetary Law, also known as Canonum De Ius Pecuniae is structured into One (1) Book, which in turns is divided into Chapters, which in turn are divided into articles and then one or more Canons within each article.

The major Chapters of the Canon of Monetary Law shall be:

I. Introductory Provisions
II. Money
III. Species
IV. Credo
V. Moneta
VI. Credit
VII. Note
VIII. Mint