Prayers Prayers

Writers Prayer
Author: Francis Bacon (1561 - 1626)Category: Education & Wisdom
Thou, O Father,

who gavest the visible light

as the first-born of thy creatures,

and didst pour into man the intellectual light

as the top and consummation of thy workmanship,

be pleased to protect and govern this work,

which coming from thy goodness,

returneth to thy glorv.

Thou after thou hadst reviewed the works

which thy hands had made,

beheldest that every thing was very good,

and thou didst rest with complacency in them.

But man, reflecting on the works which he had made,

saw that all was vanity and vexation of spirit,

and could by no means acquiesce in them.

Wherefore, if we labour in thy works

with the sweat of our brows,

thou wilt make us partakers of thy vision

and thy Sabbath We humbly beg

that this mind may he steadfastly in us;

and that thou, by our hands,

and also by the hands of others,

on whom thou shall bestow the same spirit,

wilt please to convey a largess of new alms

to thy family of mankind.

These things we commend to thy everlasting love,

by our Jesus, thy Christ, God with us.
