I call on the Earth,
I call on Animus
the singular mind of humanity,
and on Aeon the ancestors
to hear my call.
I am (now) aware of my adoption.
This is my home,
yet I (now) know that my birth parents
are others beyond my life parents.
Help me
and be with me always
as I work through
and feel these emotions.
Be with me
and help me
to come to terms
with being connected to people
whose faces I may never have seen,
whose names I may never know.
Guide me through the thoughts
of anger, frustration, fear or guilt.
Free my mind of any negativity
I might consider on myself
or my adopted parents and family.
For I see in the understanding
of Unique Collective Awareness
that everything has a purpose
and everything happens for a reason.
I understand that I am special
and I am loved by you.
Grant me the peace then
to accept my unique life journey
and to love those who love me,
whether or not
we share the same blood
as we are more than just blood
we are mind
and our collective experiences
and how we face life challenges
is what shapes us to be
who we truly are
So let it be. |