O Lord, I see in Your body all supernatural controllers, and multitude of beings, sages, and celestials.
O Lord of the universe, I see You everywhere with infinite form, with many arms, stomachs, faces, and eyes. O Universal Form, I see neither your beginning nor the middle nor the end.
I see You with Your crown, club, discus; and a mass of radiance, difficult to behold, shining all around like the immeasurable brilliance of the sun and the blazing fire.
I believe You are the Supreme Being to be realized.
You are the ultimate resort of the universe. You are the Spirit, and protector of the eternal order (Dharma).
I see You with infinite power, without beginning, middle, or end; with many arms, with the sun and the moon as Your eyes, with Your mouth as a blazing fire scorching all the universe with Your radiance. |