Canonum De Ius Cogitatum
Canons of Cognitive Law
III. Biological Systems (PSYBIO)
3.5 Computational Systems (PSYDA)
Article 105 - Cerebellum
Canon 1233 (link)
TheCerebellum is located under the temporal and occipital lobes and directlyconnected to the top of the brain stem.
Canon 1234 (link)
TheCerebellum is the primary cognitive organ that manages the ORGO Neural Networkas well as the key connections between the CYTO Neural Network (Central NervousSystem) and the COGNO Neural Network (Cerebrum). Therefore, it is also acritical component of the Computational Systems of higher order life forms.
Canon 1235 (link)
The cerebellum plays an important part incognitive functions such as attention and language as well as core emotionssuch as fear and pleasure.