IV. Faith
4.4 Eschatology
Article 127 - Day of Protest
Day of Divine Protest and Dishonor also known as the Day of the 2nd Divine Post and Notice, also known as the Day of the 2nd Horseman on E8:Y3209:A1:S1:M17:D1 (Roman Time Tue, 21 Dec 2010) is the day that a Divine Deed was duly served and notarized by the Divine Creator to each and every man, woman and higher order spirit, living and deceased concerning the forfeit of all Ecclesiastical authority of office against all those who have not accepted the offer of Divine Remedy promulgated upon the Day of Divine Agreement and Understanding and the supreme Ecclesiastical Dishonor by all those who claim their positions by spiritual authority.
The Deed of Divine Protest & Dishonor served upon the Day of Divine Protest & Dishonor is the most sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum combined with all the other Ucadian Covenants, these Canons and all Codes of Law and Patents and all other official Notices as One (1) Complete Perfected Notice in the entire Universe, Heavens and upon the Earth.
By the absolute power and authority vested in the Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum, no force in the Universe, Heaven or on Earth may prevent the appearance of the 2nd Divine Horseman upon the Day of Divine Protest & Dishonor. By the absolute power and authority vested in the Sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum, no force in the Universe, Heaven or on Earth may prevent the appearance of the 2nd Divine Horseman upon the Day of Divine Protest & Dishonor.
Whether or not any living man or woman bears witness to the Day of Divine Protest & Dishonor, the Day will come and all Divine Deeds shall have been lawfully and duly executed in accordance with the Sacred Covenant Pactum de Singularis Caelum and these canons.
To ensure all officers who claim their authority through ecclesiastical power are given fair notice of their Dishonor against the Divine Creator, all men and women are vested with the authority of issuing one or more Ecclesiastical Deed Polls on behalf of the Divine Creator when their rights have been injured. When one Deed Poll is registered and receipted, then all officers acknowledge they have been lawfully served notice. When one hundred or more Deed Polls are registered and receipted, then there can be no lawful excuse that all officers who claim authority through Ecclesiastical Power have not been given fair notice of their extreme Divine Dishonor.
To ensure Notice upon the temporal plain of the service and execution of the Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor throughout all spiritual dimensions, seven (7) sacred Deeds shall be served around the Day of Divine Protest and Dishonor. These Deeds shall hereafter be forever known as the Factum Impietatis Divinae, also as the 7 Deeds of Divine Protest and Dishonor. These sacred deeds are to be served to the following parties:
(i) The 1st Sacred Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor called Factum Impietatis Talmudi, also representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by the elite anti-semitic parasites against the Divine Creator, also symbolically representing the sin of Hate, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the Talmud of the Menes-Heh as it was first published in the 4th Century, including the lawful dissolution of the covenant including the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(ii) The 2nd Sacred Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor is called Factum Impietatis Romanus Pontifex also representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by the Roman Catholic Church, also known as the Vatican and its agents against the Divine Creator, also symbolically representing the sins of Greed, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the fraudulent Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex first issued in 1455 by Nicholas V of the Roman Cult, including the lawful dissolution of the associated trust, the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(iii) The 3rd Sacred Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor called Factum Impietatis Aeterni Regis also representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by the Roman Catholic Church, also known as the Vatican and its agents against the Divine Creator,also symbolically representing the sins of Avarice, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the fraudulent Papal Bull Aeterni Regis first issued in 1481 by Sixtus IV of the Roman Cult, including the lawful dissolution of the associated trust, the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(iv) The 4th Sacred Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor called Factum Impietatis Templum Regisalso representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by the Roman Catholic Church, also known as the Vatican and its agents against the Divine Creator, also symbolically representing the sins of Perfidy, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the fraudulent Papal Bull Convocation first issued in 1537 by Paul III of the Roman Cult, including the lawful dissolution of the associated trust, the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(v) The 5th Sacred Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor called Factum Impietatis Illuminati also representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by the Venetians, Khazarian Parasites and their agents the Divine Creator, also symbolically representing the sins of Arrogance, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the fraudulent Papal Bull Aeterni Regis first issued in 1481 by Sixtus IV of the Roman Cult, including the lawful dissolution of the associated trust, the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(vi) The 6th Sacred Deed of Divine Protest and Dishonor called Factum Impietatis Arabia Regis also representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by the Arabian royal families and agents against the Divine Creator,also symbolically representing the sins of Gluttony, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the fraudulent Papal Bull Convocation first issued in 1537 by Paul III of the Roman Cult, including the lawful dissolution of the associated trust, the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and
(vii) The 7th Sacred Notice of the Divine Protest and Dishonor called Factum Impietatis Universitas also representing official notice of a history of grave injury and dishonor by certain large global corporations and their industry bodies against the Divine Creator, also symbolically representing the sin of Lust, is the lawful reversal of all curses, spells and claims first issued through the fraudulent documents the Roerich Pact, including the lawful dissolution of the associated trust, the forfeit and conveyance of all ecclesiastical authority and rights to the Divine Creator and appointed representatives in accordance with sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.
No denial of acceptance, refusal, protest or complaint shall have any effect in altering the fact that proper and lawful notice was served as defined by the canons in accordance with the sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum.