Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconI.   Introductory Provisions

1.2 Concepts

Article 13 - Morality

Canon 1472 (link)

Morality is a fictional frame of reference applied to Reality concerning Form and Meaning that distinguishes between those Actions and Rituals considered good, positive and right and those considered bad, negative and wrong.

Canon 1473 (link)

In accordance with Divine Law, Natural Law and Cognitive Law, Morality is a quality unique to Positive Law.

Canon 1474 (link)

Civilizations throughout history share certain common attributes within their systems of Morality that consider certain Actions or Rituals to be bad, immoral and wrong. The most significant is the murder of another member of the species. However the differences between systems of Morality vary significantly in the complete range and nature of Actions or Rituals considered being bad, immoral and wrong.

Canon 1475 (link)

Any action or ritual considered bad, wrong and evil or right, good and correct in accordance with Morality and Moral Law is through statutes issued under Positive Law and can never be claimed as Divine Law or Natural Law.

Canon 1476 (link)

Any law invoking Morality that claims Divine Law or Natural Law is automatically invalid and therefore null and void from the beginning.

Canon 1477 (link)

As no man, woman or person may claim higher Moral Personality than the Divine Creator and as all power and authority has been granted by the Divine through Pactum De Singularis Caelum, no man, woman or person has higher Moral Personality than the Society of One Heaven.

Canon 1478 (link)

Excluding the sacred seven (7) pronouncements of Ucadia, the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and these canons, any claim, statute or pronouncement by any man, woman or person to have higher moral authority or moral personality than the Society of One Heaven is hereby null and void from the beginning, therefore having no legal validity nor existence.

Canon 1479 (link)

When anyone references, writes or speaks of “Moral Perfection”, “Morality”, or “Moral Personality”, it shall mean these canons and no other.