Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconVI.   Argument

6.1 Argument

Article 182 - Status

Canon 2595 (link)

Status is the legal standing and position of a Person determined by their attributes; inherent rights or limitations and the nature of the controversy as either Criminal, Civil or Ecclesiastical.

Canon 2596 (link)

By definition, a living member of One Heaven possesses a minimum of three persons being their Divine Person, True Person and Superior Person that all have higher status than any inferior Roman person or lesser society. Therefore, no Roman juridic society or any other non-Ucadian society may claim jurisdiction over one or more of the superior persons of a living member of One Heaven.

Canon 2597 (link)

When the Offence is Criminal or Ecclesiastical in accordance with these canons, all members are subject to the law and equal before the law. Therefore, any claim of higher status above the law by a member is automatically null and void from the beginning as well as a grave injury to the law and rule of law.

Canon 2598 (link)

When the Offence is Civil in accordance with these canons, only Juridic Society Persons may invoke those positions, limits and rights bestowed by their creation including statutes to support a claim of higher status. All other Persons are equal before the law.

Canon 2599 (link)

When the Offence is issued by a Roman society or some lesser society against a member of One Heaven, the member may evoke their superior standing and choose to have the matter resolved in accordance these canons.