Canonum De Ius Positivum
Canons of Positive Law

one heaven iconVII.   Law

7.4 Authority of Law

Article 262 - Authority

Canon 3000 (link)

Authority is an exclusive form of Property being the “Right of Use” to do or act in a particular way which is ultimately derived from a valid claim of Divine Right of Use. Authority therefore is equivalent by definition to a form of “ecclesiastical private property”.

Canon 3001 (link)

The word authority comes from two (2) Latin words auctor and ritus:

(i) Auctor meaning “progenitor, founder of deeds, composer of writings, historian of knowledge, investigator, teacher, instigator of action, adviser of measures, promoter of laws, proposer of laws, supporter or ratifier of laws, person of influence in public life, leader of conduct, guarantor of witness, guarantor of bail, seller of property, guardian of minors or champion of others”; and

(ii) Ritus meaning “ecclesiastical ritual or ceremony, custom, right of usage (property)”.

Canon 3002 (link)

The highest possible Authority is Absolute Divine Right of Use (Divine Property or "Divinity") from the Divine Creator, also known as the Absolute, The One and Only Author of All vested to all True Persons in accordance with these canons.

Canon 3003 (link)

As Authority is by definition Divine Property, Authority is always vested into a sacred Office and not to the man, woman, spirit or higher order life form occupying an Office.

Canon 3004 (link)

Once Authority is legitimately vested, an Officer is said to have a mandate. The Officer may then grant temporary commissions of authority to others called delegation. However, an officer may not delegate the same authority to the same place at the same time with all such temporary commissions requiring an expiry.

Canon 3005 (link)

As Authority is by definition Divine Property, an Officer vested into Office can only exercise the Authority granted by such Office if they remain in Honor under Oath. As soon as they are in dishonor or fail to abide by their sacred oath, their dishonor immediately prevents any Authority being present in their actions.

Canon 3006 (link)

An Officer while in grave dishonor who fails to rectify same yet continues to claim full Authority is guilty of a grave offence against the very nature of Authority itself and such a man is automatically excommunicated from Office whether notice is given or not.

Canon 3007 (link)

There is no such thing as secular Authority nor any other claimed form of legitimate Authority except through Divine Right. Therefore all claims of Authority that denounce Ecclesiastical source, or the obligation of honor, duty and oath is an absurdity of law and without validity, therefore null and void from the beginning.

Canon 3008 (link)

By definition, any Official who refuses to produce their oath and be bound by it, have no Authority.

Canon 3009 (link)

All levels of Authority may be defined into six (6) levels, being:

(i) Dominium vested into the Office of True Person and Executor; and

(ii) Visium vested into the Office of Censor; and

(iii) Magisterium vested into the Office of Rector; and

(iv) Imperium vested into the Office of Curator; and

(v) Officium vested into the Office of Administrator; and

(vi) Custoditum vested into the Office of Custodian.

Canon 3010 (link)

Authority is always conveyed to a lower Office. A lower Office by definition cannot have greater Authority than a higher office.

Canon 3011 (link)

When a higher Office conveys certain Authority to a lower Office it is by temporary (delegation) or permanent (investiture) equitable title in which the lower Office is called the "Agent" and the higher Office is called the "Principal".

Canon 3012 (link)

The relationship of Principal to Agent within a hierarchy is called the Chain of Command whereby official orders, messages and information is transmitted down the line from Principle to each successively lower rank of Agent without by-passing a level. Similarly, Chain of Command dictates that all messages and information being transmitted up to the highest Principal follows each succesively higher rank being responsible for passing the information to the appropriate level. It is a fundamental requirement of all office holders possessing legitimate Authority to obey their Chain of Command.

Canon 3013 (link)

An Officer that breaks the Chain of Command commits an act of grave dishonor.

Canon 3014 (link)

As a general courtesy, an Officer of an alternate society should seek to engage and converse with an equivalent rank in the alternate society therefore respecting chain of command.

Canon 3015 (link)

Unlike non-Ecclesiastical Property, the conveyance of Authority from Principal to Agent cannot also convey the liabilities of the Principal. Instead, a new Principal always inherits all the liabilities, duties and obligations of his predecessor. Therefore the Principal always remains ultimately obligated for the actions of their Agents.

Canon 3016 (link)

An Agent holding Authority is effectively the same as the Principal. Any notice to Agent is notice to Principal and vice versa. Furthermore, any failure of duty or dishonor of an Agent is therefore the failure of duty or dishonor of the Principal.

Canon 3017 (link)

Denial of an Agent or Principal of the source, nature and true meaning of their Authority is repudiation of said claimed Authority, therefore they are without any legitimate Authority.

Canon 3018 (link)

When an Officer dishonors their Office and loses any Authority, it is permitted to contact their superior Officer in accordance with chain of command.

Canon 3019 (link)

Private International Law seeks to repudiate the source, nature and true meaning of Authority, any man or woman who claims office and performs their duties under Private International Law is without any legitimate Authority.