Canonum De Ius Rex
Canons of Sovereign Law

one heaven iconII.   Sovereign

2.10 Anglo-Saxon Law Form

Article 114 - Cancellarium (Chancery)

Canon 6318 (link)

A Cancellocum is the term invented under the Carolingians in the 8th Century to describe a secure repository and archives of original scriptura (official documents) and other manuscripts of importance and its associated scriptorium.

Canon 6319 (link)

The term Cancellocum comes from two Latin words canceli meaning “a grating, enclosure or barrier separating a private or “sacred” space from public space” and locus or locum meaning “place, site, room, position, topic, subject or argument”. Hence, the literal meaning of cancellocum was “a private sacred space for the secure archiving of manuscripts and official documents”.

Canon 6320 (link)

The Cancellocum (Archives) possessed from its foundation in the 8th Century under Carolingian Law a number of key functions, including:

(i) Completed original texts were written on one (1) continuous scroll of the finest white linen called “velum” to then be stored at an official Cancellocum (Chancery Archive); and

(ii) Individual pages of reports were to be bound into folios, or liber (books) also stored at the Cancellocum (Chancery Archive); and

(iii) Copies of original texts and official edits, commands and new laws were issued on either bound or separate sheets of linen or paper under official seal by the scribes of the scriptorium within the Cancellocum (Chancery Archive); and

(iv) Sol (Soldi) Gold Certificates were issued from the Cancellocum (Chancery Archive) from 738 CE until their abandonment as a form of temporary money at the end of the 9th Century.

Canon 6321 (link)

All valid instruments issued by a Cancellocum (Archives) from the beginning under the Carolingians in the 8th Century possessed the imprimo being the distinguishing mark, seal, decoration or watermark of the cancellocum (publishing location) from which the instrument was issued.  This is the origin of the concept of the watermark.

Canon 6322 (link)

It remains a fact of western law that instruments not issued on correct watermarked stationary by a valid Chancery (Cancellocum) cannot be regarding as having force or effect.

Canon 6323 (link)

During the 12th Century the Venetians and their Roman vassals created a corruption of the concept of the cancellocum in the form of cancellorum and cancellariae as a site not for the safe keeping of official texts and manuscripts, but for their deliberate corruption, forgery and false manufacture. The word cancellaria comes from the Latin canceli and lari/larus, the name of a mythical bird of the “sea” that devours all it finds.

Canon 6324 (link)

During the 13th Century the Venetians and their Roman vassals in England created the first concept of the court of chancery or Curia Cancellariae via the Charter of Westminster in 1295.

Canon 6325 (link)

In 1612, the Roman Cult under Pope Paul V (1605-1621) reintroduced the concept of an archive for its corrupted manuscripts, forgeries, frauds and captured texted called Archivum Secretum Vaticanum or “Vatican Secret Archives” with the word archivum invented after the ancient Greek word a??e?? (archeío) meaning “file, journal or store of records of a town” from a??e??? (arkheion) meaning “town hall or building”.

Canon 6326 (link)

As all Chanceries under the Roman Cult and their Venetian overlords since the 12th Century are based on the corrupt concepts of cancellorum and cancellariae rather than cancellocum, all instruments issued by such corrupt entities are hereby invalid, unlawful, illegal and therefore null and void nunc pro tunc (now as then).