II. Sovereign
2.2 Sovereign Terrain
Article 28 - Sovereign Terrain
The word Terrain is derived from the Latin terra meaning “land, earth, ground, soil, country and the world”. The Latin word terra itself is derived from the 1st Millenium BCE ancient Irish word tàra, also spelt in many ancient texts as Torá(h) meaning “land, earth, ground, rule of law”.
All systems of claim of Sovereign Terrain are predicated on the truth that no man or woman can “own” the physical earth, water or air, except the Divine Creator. Instead, fictional elements created by men and women may be “added” within, below or on top of the earth, water or air and therefore claimed as private property. Thus Sovereign Terrain depends on claims of fictions.
There are essentially three (3) systems and layers used to create the fabric of Sovereign Terrain being geography, topography and demography:
(i) Geography is the use of fictional standards of measurement to survey the physical structures of a particular region; and
(ii) Topography is the use of fictional language and culture to name a place defined by certain Geography; and
(iii) Demography is the use of fictional measures, registers and numbering to count and label people, political and administrative divisions and their activities according to particular Topography of a place.