Canonum De Ius Rex
Canons of Sovereign Law

one heaven iconII.   Sovereign

2.5 Roman Law Form

Article 58 - Occupatio

Canon 5800 (link)

Occupatio is the act and process of registering possession and / or claim by which legal and lawful possession is then established.

Canon 5801 (link)

Occupatio does not, nor has it ever challenged the sacred principle of possession. Instead, occupation only applies to conquered land and states that a citizen of Rome may make a claim of “ownership” on a first claim, best claim basis reflected in a register. Thus occupation is the record or title of the register, not physical possession.

Canon 5802 (link)

A principle of occupation from the earliest times is the forbiddance for a claim of ownership to be valid on conquered land if the land itself is deemed sacred. So seriously did the Romans take this rule that any breach was considered the very gravest of transgressions against the empire.