II. Sovereign
2.6 Holly Roman Law Form
Article 77 - Bibliographe (Original Bible)
Bibiliographe, or βιβλιογράφη is the name of the first official text of the Christian Church issued by Constantine in 326 upon the foundation of the Holly Roman Empire. The text was also known simply as “The Bible” or βίβλος (biblos) for short.
The main features of the first, true and official Christian Bible “Bibiliographe” are:
(i) The Book opened with the Epistole of Milan; and
(ii) The Book was then divided into two (2) main sections defining two (2) covenants with the Divine called “themes” (θέμα) which is the Ancient Greek word for a sacred oath or pledge before the word itself was deliberately corrupted; and
(iii) The first “theme” was the old covenant re-establishing the sacred scriptures of the Tará (Torá(h)) of Jeremiah and foundation law of the Holly Celt Empire. The first theme then included the writings of the Great prophets of Yeb (Elephantine Island) including but not limited to Ezekiel, Isaiah, Enoch and Jeremiah himself; and
(iv) The second “theme” was the new covenant of Gnostic and Nazarene teaching of the Holly Irish Prince known as “esus” who establish Nazarene teachings in Palestine to end Mithraism such as the Wisdom of Iesus (Proverbs), the Song of Iesus and the Gospel of Truth and the Origin of the World; and
(v) In the first “theme”, there was no reference or inclusion of Persian and Mithraic scripture in the form of Judges, Kings or Chronicles. Nor was the writings of the founding priests of Mithraism included such as Ezra or Nehemiah; and
(vi) In the second “theme”, there was no Gospel of Luke, nor reference to any writings of Menesheh High Priest Saul (Paul), or Acts of the Apostles, nor reference to “Virgin Birth” and other Mithraic symbology.
(vii) The book ended with the collection of Epistole of Constantine and the Epistole of Nicomedia at the end.
The official books of the old “theme” of the first and true official Christian Bible were:
(i) Genesis (γένεσις) meaning “origin, source, beginning, nativity”; and
(ii) Deuteros (δεύτερος) meaning “second, second coming”; and
(iii) Exodos (eξοδος) meaning “expedition, ritual, procession, departure”; and
(iv) Anakineos (aνάκινές) meaning "summons, call, (pray), invoke the divine, from above"
(v) Nemos (νέμος) meaning “distribute fairly, dispense the law, promised pasture”.
During the 8th Century, the βίβλος (biblos) was updated by the Carlonginians in the creation of the Catholic Church to be Biblos Sacrorum, or “Holly Bible”, with inclusions of the Acts of the Apostles and other references to support the claim of the Christian Church originating in Rome. However, the Biblos Sacrorum still did not include any of the pagan Mithraic and satanic references of the Menesheh and their descendents the Magyar of Venice.
In the 13th Century, the Roman Cult funded and sponsored by the Magyar of Venice issued the Vulgate – a complete and total corruption of the very purpose and function of the βίβλος (biblos) to end Mithraism, glorify the name of Esus and restore Sacred (Holly) Law
During the 13th Century, the most sacred Nazarene texts written by Esus Christos such as the “Wisdom of Iesus” was corrupted into the proverbs, the “Song of Iesus” was corrupted to be something wholly different as Solomon’s Song and the Psalms of Iesus became the Psalms of Saul in reference to the mythical founder of the Menesheh High Priests of Tarsus.
In the 16th and then 17th Century, the Sabbatean Cult succeeded in publishing the King James Bible and its revisions to include a wholly false history and massive fraud of scriptures and law that resulted in a text that bears little resemblance to the true and original Christian Bible.
As the Vulgate and the King James Bible are deliberate frauds aimed at corrupting the very purpose and reason for existence of the true and original Christian Bible, they are hereby rendered null and void, having no legal effect nor force of law with any and all subsequent claims of authority, statutes and laws rendered null and void.
As the Vulgate and the King James Bible have no legal effect, credibility, authority or legitimate existence, all references to source known as “bibliography” begin with the most sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, associated covenants and pacts and these Canons.
In the tradition and custom that honored the first and true Christian Bible, any legal text that does not possess a Bibliography demonstrating a provenance ultimately back to the most sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, associated covenants and pacts and these Canons has no valid legal, academic or historic existence.