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  Executor is in its broadest sense, an office to which a man or woman is appointed by the grantor of an estate/will to execute certain fiduciary obligations, often in the formal appointment of trustees for the administration of the property of the trust after the reading of the formation document creating the trust.  
  The disinformation and confusion surrounding the office of executor  
  In recent months, there has been a flurry of excitement and activity surrounding the importance of the office of executor whenever dealing with court matters and the fact that trust law is operating at some level within every single suit. The problem with this information is making sense of why? why is the office of executor so important? Why can an accused effectively appoint themselves into the office of executor prior to the case? Why can’t the courts appoint the executor? What does this mean to assisting with any court matter? How does one proceed?  
  In the first instance, much of the information promoted about the office of executor has been deliberately confusion, wrapped in Biblical quotation and providing very little pragmatic and real substance to the importance of the role in specific court matters.  
  Instead, the claims for the importance of the office of executor that have been promoted include everything from erroneous translations and quotes from the Bible through to the belief that it has something to do with one or more trusts created at birth.  
  Unfortunately, little of this is true and has served to onfly confuse. Trusts were created at your birth, but these are not the trusts that immediately matter when facing a court issue. The office of executor that is of most concern exists specifically to the court matter at hand- because once a writ has been issued it is not only the beginning of perfecting an indulgence through the sacrament of penance, but is also the creation of a constructive trust as well as a statutory administrative process.  
  Under Ecclesiastical Law, the Courts cannot appoint the Executor- only you can  
  If one seeks to ignore the overwhelming evidence that all valid court matters are the performance of the Sacrament of Penance, then the idea that the courts cannot appoint the Executor- only you can, will appear very odd. In fact, most people have no idea that they usually appoint the judge the executor of the constructive trust representing the court matter at the time of the plea- once jurisdiction is perfected. Once a plea is entered, the accused effectively appoints the judge as executor for the second phase of the sacrament of penance being “confession” and then ultimately the final phase being “absolution” or the sentence and satisfaction (perfection) of the sacrament.  
  As much as the private bar guild would love to appoint the judge the executor for the court matter, they cannot until the 1st hearing and by you. Of course, judges, prosecutors and members of the private bar guild will flatly deny what has just been said. They will say it is the mad ravings of a religious nut, someone who has no idea of the function of the law. Remember, these officials can lie, even through the sacrament until you force them to admit a sacred oath, at which time they are honor bound to follow the proceedings. So do not expect any single word of truth to come out of their mouths on this, either through extraordinary ignorance of desperate desire to hide the underbelly of the beast.  
  So despite the rants and ravings of the bar denying the fact that you are the one who appoints the executor of the constructive trust, this indeed is a power you possess. So that if after an allotted time, no executor has been appointed (eg 14 days), you have every right to give notice via an notice that an executor has been appointed.  
  To see an example letter, look below:  
Download- Executor Letter
Executor Letter- Clerk 31Kb
Executor Letter- Pro-Se-Cutor 31Kb
Download- Nullity/Revocation of POA
Decree of Nullity 31Kb
Revocation of Power of Attorney 31Kb
  What does the Executor Letter mean?  
  Once you send the executor letter, the court can no longer bring forth the prosecutor (PRO SE CUTIS) “Representing one’s own flesh” in the act of self accusation. Because as Executor, you demand that any action is done with competence and the presentation of the authorities, oaths to perform such an act.
  If the prosecution does ignore your appointment and proceeds anyway, then they are acting in a fiduciary duty without authority and again it is grounds for both dismissal and immediate appeal (demurrer).
  As far as the judge is concerned, as you have evidence of appointment of the executor, the judge cannot logically or possibly without suspending the laws of logic and the universe proceed with the matter, certainly not on the presumption that you have appointed them as executor.
  Will this stop the madness of the private bar guild? Sadly, in many places the answer is no. But there will no longer be any illusion that any law at all is being followed. Instead you will be deadline with pure tyrants- tyrants who can then be exposed for what they are under appeal and broadcast to a wider audience of more senior peers as to their ignorance and rampant corruption.
  Yes, such defying of the most fundamental laws of their own system is frustrating. But as has always been said – once the swamp is drained, once all their magic and trickery is exposed, all that will be left are those willing to follow the law and those who are simply criminals that need to ultimately be arrest and removed from any public office.

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