VII. Law
7.7 Jurisdiction of Law
Article 284 - Personal Jurisdiction
Personal Jurisdiction, also known as “Nationality Jurisdiction” and “Nationality, Protective and Universality Principles” is the Authority granted through the claim of “Jus In Rem” supported by claimed customary (Roman) law through lex situs (law of the place in which the property is situated) to one (1) or more Officials to review, administer and issue certain Decrees, Prescripts, Statutes or Ordinances for a given Juridic Person or Society.
Jus in Rem is Latin for “right against a thing” and according to Roman Cult law means “a claim of right enforceable against anyone in the world interfering with that claim founded on some specific relationship, status or particular property accorded legal protection from interference by anyone”.
Lex situs is the shortening of the Latin phrase lex loci rei sitae meaning “law of the place in which the property is situated” and is founded on a set of procedures and rules called the "Conflict of Laws" or Private International Law of the Roman Cult and its vassals.
Under Roman law, Jus In Rem is able to be applied as the primary claim to Personal Jurisdiction on the basis that a man or woman was born or naturalized within the boundaries of the state and therefore a record of birth under Roman time was created including a set of Cestui Que Vie Trusts or "secret testamentary trusts". Therefore, because the state claims "ownership" of the register and the trusts, it claims "ownership" of the man or woman as property evidenced by their 'holding' a Birth Certificate.
The word "Name" is derived from the Latin word nomen which means "slave title, debtor slave". The word "Family" is also from Latin and means "domestic slaves of a household or estate (state)". Therefore, when a Roman Court claims Jurisdiction by Personal Jurisdiction and Jus In Rem it is a claim based on the claimed status of the man or woman as a bonded slave and not as an emancipated and equal member of a society.
All forms of slavery, whether voluntary or involuntary, legal or unlawful are considered an abomination and against the acknowledged precepts of civilized society. Therefore, no Roman Court may lawfully claim Personal Jurisdiction by any means of any man, woman or person that comes before it.
In contrast to the false and flawed claims of Personal Jurisdiction, all members of Ucadia and One Heaven recognize the first and true form of Jurisdiction of Divine Jurisdiction through jus divinum by Pactum De Singularis Caelum and Canonum De Lex Divina regardless of their location.
A claim of jus in rem based on false claims of slavery can never be superior to a claim of jus divinum by Pactum De Singularis Caelum. Therefore, a Roman Court can never have legitimate Personal Jurisdiction over a member of One Heaven when they have identified themselves as such.