Pactum De Singularis Caelum
Covenant of One Heaven
Article 112 - Great Divine Writs
By this most sacred Covenant, thirteen (13) sacred writs are recognized as having the highest Judicial Power and Authority over all other Writs, excluding the Writs and Deeds of the Apocalypse.
These thirteen (13) sacred writs shall be known as the Great Divine Writs of Justice and may only be issued by three (3) justices of a national, union or global court of a Ucadia society or when such courts are administered purely by spiritual members, then three (3) living members, having perfected their competent living status and claim of right through Ecclesiastical Deeds.
By definition, all men, woman and higher order spirits, living and deceased are members of One Heaven. Furthermore, natural birth of the flesh is proof of lawful conveyance from a Divine Trust to a True Trust as a result of willing consent by the Divine Person to be born in accordance with the articles of this sacred Covenant. Therefore, the existence of the body of a living flesh Homo Sapien is proof of their divine (ecclesiastical) consent to obey this sacred Covenant and associated Canons of Law.
A Great Divine Writ is therefore issued against Members by three Living Members and three Spiritual Members representing a jury of peers as witness to the Writ and associated Deed.
As a Great Divine Writ is issued to a Member under the rules of Membership, the rules and orders of any non Ucadian society or society not recognized as deriving its legitimate power from this Covenant are null and void, having no effect on the validity of a Great Divine Writ.
A Great Divine Writ may only be issued against a Member claiming a senior Ecclesiastical Office, therefore power and rights from Heaven and the Divine Creator to hold such office, regardless of which society the office is located.
Furthermore, should a Member to whom a Great Divine Writ is issued demonstrate further dishonor, then such a Member shall automatically demonstrate incompetence against their Divine Person, the Divine Creator and the source of claimed power of their claimed office.
In accordance with Article 42.1, any member claiming a senior Ecclesiastical Office that by definition therefore claims the source of its power from Heaven and the Divine Creator may have a Live Borne Record issued on behalf of their Divine Person and Divine Trust as proof of superior title under Heaven and the Great Register, regardless of the consent or non-consent of their Flesh.
A man or woman who seeks to rule by force and fear alone may not have their Live Borne Record redeemed. However, any man or woman who claims a mandate for power by office, therefore claims ecclesiastical powers and therefore agree they are subject to the jurisdiction of the Divine Creator and One Heaven.
A Great Divine Writ is issued and registered through the Supreme Court of One Heaven and is permanently recorded for all time.
As a Great Divine Writ is a supremely sacred and powerful instrument, it may only be issued in the extreme of circumstances when a Member has shown complete contempt for the Covenant of One Heaven and associated Canons.
When formal Diplomatic Liaison and standing has been established between the Society and an alternate Society, a Great Writ may not be issued against an Officer of the Alternate Society without first providing a Motion for the Writ, including all the allegations and alleged facts with 40 days to remedy. If remedy is not provided within 40 days, then the Writ may be issued.
When no formal Diplomatic Liaison and standing exists with an alternate Society, the Great Divine Writ may be issued directly to one level of their chain of command, with higher levels of command given notices of the motion of the writ and a copy of the writ.
When issuing to a Member for allegations not directly associated with an Office of an alternate society, the Member must be provided a Motion for the Writ, including all the allegations and alleged facts with 40 days to remedy. If remedy is not provided within 40 days, then the Writ may be issued.
The following are the valid criteria that must exist before a Motion for a Writ and Great Divine Writ may be issued:
(i) That those issuing the motion/writ hold evidence of a grave breach of one or more Articles of the official final promulgated Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum or one or more associated official final promulgated Canons; and
(ii) That those issuing the motion/writ have established their competency and are not themselves in dishonor; and
(iii) That at least two attempts are documented demonstrating those issuing the motion/writ have sought mediation, or some formal remedy from either the Member named on the writ or their appointed agents with no result.
The respect of the chain of command of alternate societies is fundamental to remain in honor. Therefore, the rule for whom a Great Writ is issued must be followed:
A Peer is a man or woman, now a spirit member of Heaven who previously held the same position as the Living Member to whom the Writ is issued. For example, if a Great Divine Writ were to be issued against a President of a Nation, then the three (3) Peers will be three formed Presidents of the same nation now deceased.
Therefore, when a Living Member dishonors a Great Divine Writ, they also openly, confess to dishonoring the memory of the three former office holders as well as their nation, their history, their laws and heritage.
When a national, union or global court of a Ucadia society is fully appointed by living flesh members in accordance with its relevant charter, then a Great Writ of Justice may be issued by three (3) judges of the appropriate court under the following conditions:
(i) The form of the writ conforms precisely to the standards prescribed for the particular Great Writ of Justice in accordance with this sacred Covenant, associated Canons, Codes and procedures; and
(ii) The cause for the writ to be issued conforms to the purpose prescribed for the particular Great Writ of Justice, that a clear demonstration of injury to the Rule of Law exists and that the parties who are alleged to have caused the injury have already demonstrated dishonor by refusing fair mediation and remedy in good faith; and
(iii) The Writ includes a Deed of Facts and Interrogatories that conforms to the form prescribed associated Canons, Codes and procedures, known also by its Latin title for example Factum Verum Et Rogitare Habeas Corpus [Latin name of Writ must be appropriate to the Writ]; and
(iv) The writ is sealed by three (3) Judges using their Great Seals of the Court and their office, as authorized.
When a national, union and global court of a Ucadia society is administered purely by spiritual members in accordance with its relevant charter, then a Great Writ of Justice may be issued by three (3) living members under the following conditions:
(i) The form of the writ conforms precisely to the standards prescribed for the particular Great Writ of Justice in accordance with this sacred Covenant, associated Canons, Codes and procedures; and
(ii) The cause for the writ to be issued conforms to the purpose prescribed for the particular Great Writ of Justice, that a clear demonstration of injury to the Rule of Law exists and that the parties who are alleged to have caused the injury have already demonstrated dishonor by refusing fair mediation and remedy in good faith; and
(iii) The Writ includes a Deed of Facts and Interrogatories that conforms to the form prescribed associated Canons, Codes and procedures, known also by its Latin title for example Factum Verum Et Rogitare Habeas Corpus [Latin name of Writ must be appropriate to the Writ]; and
(iv) The writ is sealed by three (3) unique ink seal thumbprints corresponding to the three (3) competent living trustees issuing the Great Writ.
The Deed of Facts and Interrrogatories associated with each and every Great Writ is an essential component outlining the facts and circumstances of the issue of the writ and the key questions the recipients are required by deed to respond.
If the recipients do not respond, then the Deed of Facts and Interrogatories is the official confession of the recipients of the Great Writ of their sins, dishonor and granting the execution of the penalties and/or actions contained within the Deed of Facts and Interrogatories.
When issued to any inferior court and officers, then by the laws of all societies such orders must be obeyed.
Therefore, any court that disobeys one of the Great Writs of Justice shall be demonstrating not only contempt for all forms of law in all of Heaven and on Earth, but fundamental contempt for the very laws of their own society.
The Sacred Writ of Restitutio shall be reserved for remedy and relief when any man or woman seeks an agreement with a society to end any controversy by presenting proof of their standing, restitution and underwriting to a senior official of the society.
The Writ shall be served upon the highest official of the alternate society including such financial instruments to provide financial restitution and assurance against any further controversy.
The Sacred Writ of Habeas Corpus shall be reserved for remedy and relief when any man or woman is unlawfully detained.
The Writ shall be served upon the present custodian and officials directly responsible for the unlawful detainment of a member, ordering that the prisoner be brought before the court, together with proof of claimed authority as why the prisoner should continue to be detained.
As the Writ is issued under the highest holy authority against the unlawful kidnapping of a member, any claimed suspension of Habeas Corpus under common law or other unilateral statutes of a commercial court of a franchise shall have no effect.
As such a Sacred Writ shall be an Order of last resort against clear contempt for rule of law, any motion for a Writ of Habeas Corpus must clearly demonstrate unlawful detainment and a clear injury to the law.
The Sacred Writ of Mandamus shall be reserved for remedy and relief when any man or woman fails to obey due process and perform their duties of office as prescribed by the laws governing that office.
The Writ shall be served upon the man or woman holding office ordering any dishonorable and unlawful behaviour cease, or ordering lawful duty be performed as the suit may be.
As the Writ is issued under the highest holy authority, any claimed suspension of Mandamus under common law or other unilateral statutes of a commercial court of a franchise shall have no effect.
As such a Sacred Writ shall be an Order of last resort against clear contempt for the obligations and duty of office and rule of law, any motion for a Writ of Mandamus must clearly demonstrate clear and willful behaviour of contempt and failure to perform lawful duty.
The Sacred Writ of Quo Warranto shall be reserved for remedy and relief against any man or woman who fails to obey due process and perform their duties of office as prescribed by the laws governing that office by exceeding and/or abusing their authority.
The Writ shall be served upon the man or woman holding office demanding they demonstrate to the court by what authority they claim to be exercising such excess of authority? Failure to respond to the court shall be the highest of contempt and leave such a man or woman liable for a Divine Writ of Interdico (Interdict).
As the Writ is issued under the highest holy authority, any claimed suspension of Quo Warranto under common law or other unilateral statutes of a commercial court of a franchise shall have no effect.
The Sacred Writ of Certiorari shall be reserved for remedy and relief when an inferior court is ordered to send the records and adjudication of the matter to the superior court, effectively stripping the inferior court of the specific authority to hear the matter.
The Writ shall be served upon any inferior court in matters of jurisdiction where a Member of a Ucadian Society affirms remedy and relief from ongoing action in an inferior court of an alternate Society. When served, the court is obliged to immediately provide any and all records to the superior court, including removing any and all hearing listings, docket listings concerning the matter in question.
The Sacred Writ of Prohibitio shall be reserved for remedy and relief to order an inferior court to cease any and all further action on a matter as it has been addressed by a superior court. Whilst similar to the Writ of Certiorari, the Writ of Prohibitio does not require the inferior court to provide any records to the superior court, simply to cease any and all further action in the matter.
The Writ shall be served upon any inferior court where matters have already been heard and judged by a superior court, but the matters have not yet been completed in the inferior court. It shall principally be used as remedy and relief where a Member of a Ucadian Society motions a superior Ucadian Court to hear and resolve the matter. As all Ucadian Courts are the highest jurisdiction of all societies both internationally and domestically, the courts of the inferior society are obliged to immediately cease any further action.
The Sacred Writ of Procedendo shall be reserved for remedy and relief when a superior court has reviewed the records of a matter and then orders an inferior court to proceed to judgment based on the corrected records. A Writ of Procedendo does not seek to influence the judgment, only that a judgment is demonstrated consistent with the suit and within the rule of law.
The Writ shall be served upon the appropriate inferior court from which the records of a matter were reviewed.
The Sacred Writ of Coram Nobis shall be reserved for remedy and relief when a superior court has received the records of a previously adjudicated matter by an inferior court and upon clear errors and failure of due process, orders the record be corrected.
The Writ shall be served upon any inferior court in matters of jurisdiction where a Member of a Ucadian Society affirms remedy and relief from the failure of an inferior court of an alternate Society in one or matters of their own law and rule of law in general. When served, the court is obliged to immediately correct their error on the record.
As the Writ is issued under the highest holy authority, any claimed suspension of Coram Nobis under common law or other unilateral statutes of a commercial court of a franchise shall have no effect.
When an inferior court demonstrates contempt for their own laws by failure to correct a fundamental error of law, then the superior court shall have the full right to issue a Writ of Venia.
The Sacred Writ of Scire Facias shall be reserved for remedy and relief against the issue of false titles, letters patent and documents granting rights and privileges to which the parties named are not entitled.
The Writ shall be served upon the clerk of an inferior court and the named Respondent(s) to give cause why the record granting such false records should not be immediately annulled and the land vacated and/or property returned.
Failure of the Respondent(s) to give reasonable cause shall require the clerk using the sheriff under the same Writ to immediately seize the land and/or property. Any sheriff that fails to execute a sacred Writ of Scire Facias immediately places themselves in contempt and the forfeit of their bonds as well as further orders by the court.
As the Writ is issued under the highest holy authority, any claimed suspension of Scire Facias under common law or other unilateral statutes of a commercial court of a franchise shall have no effect.
As such a Sacred Writ shall be an Order of last resort against clear contempt for proper recording of land, title and property, any motion for a Writ of Scire Facias must clearly demonstrate clear right by the suitor and failure of due process by both the Respondent(s) and the inferior courts and records management.
The Sacred Writ of Salvus ("Salvaging rights and property ") shall be reserved for remedy and relief against any trust or corporation unregistered in the Great Ledger and Public Record of One Heaven that has demonstrated clear contempt for the law, moral behaviour and the community at large.
The Writ shall be served upon the men and woman continuing to act in dishonor as heads of any trust or corporation unregistered in the Great Ledger and Public Record granting full legal immunity and authority to seize any and all assets of the unregistered entity and therefore salvage the property.
A corporation that is unable to demonstrate its lawful registration in the Great Ledger and Public Record of One Heaven therefore has no soul, no spirit, therefore cannot legally argue it has any legal personality, regardless of any statutes of inferior commercial courts. When such a corporation continues to injure the community, the law, such a Writ of Salvus shall be issued as a last resort.
The Sacred Writ of Interdico shall be reserved for remedy and relief as a last resort against any man, woman or man or woman demonstrating clear contempt for rule of law.
The Writ of Interdico ("Interdict") is the most serious and powerful of all the sacred writs in that it instructs every member of every society to outlaw the man, woman or corporation and forbids any trade, communication, material support whatsoever.
The Writ shall be served to the executive government, including the arms of the military and justice to see that the Writ of Interdico is executed. The failure to immediately execute an sacred Writ of Interdico shall place the senior individual men and women of the alternate society in contempt and personally liable to have their bonds of office seized and the military and/or justice authorities to have them arrested.
As the Writ of Interdico is so severe it is reserved for only the worst examples of contempt and evil.
The Sacred Writ of Venia ("pardon forgiveness") shall be reserved for remedy and relief for those Members of the Society who have been convicted of a crime.
It shall be issued to the Officials of Justice of an alternate society ordering the record be altered to reflect that the man or woman in question has been pardoned and to ensure any criminal record is permanently removed and they be immediately released.
Contempt for a Writ of Venia is a serious and evil offense against all men, women and spirits, living and deceased as it denies the existence of Redemption. Therefore, any official of any alternate society that does not acknowledge a Writ of Venia must be issued an immediate Writ of Interdico ("Interdict")--the most severe lawful punishment of all Heaven and Earth for such contempt for Divine Remedy.