Step 5 - Judgment is the fifth step and points you should consider when you decide to prepare and then post, lodge or produce one or more EDP(s) as proof of your competent living status as Trustee of a True Trust holding Real Property. |
Judgment |
While it may seem inconceivable that there exists such former officials so wholly infected with mental illness and complete incompetence of their own laws, it is possible that even after three most sacred deeds have been served that the Bar Society, the Banks and the System still do not acknowledge your superior standing. |
Therefore, in such extreme circumstance, a fourth and final deed may be issued called a Judgment. This deed, issued following the proper service of the previous three deeds effectively confirms the dissolutionof the Cestui Que Vie Trusts, the return of your property and the right to issue one or more warrants for the salvage of abandoned property which is rightfully the property of the trust you administer. |
Note# This Deed, Like all Ecclesiastical Deeds must be on robin-egg blue/sky blue/pastel blue paper. Also please remove brackets once you have updated correct information. |
Q. What is sent in the Judgment package? |
(i) Your Deed of Judgment |
Preparing the Judgment |
(i) Replace the example number 123456-123456-123456 with your trust number. You obtain it by following the instructions listed here on Trust Numbers. |
(ii) Replace E:8 Y3209 etc with the Ucadian Time Signature based on time of issue of Deed also obtained using UCADIA Time Converter. The [Month Day 2010] is the Roman Date for the same time of issue of Deed. IMPORTANT: Include the Brackets in this once off case. |
(iii) Replace any text listed between <<text>> with the correct text as indicated. |
(iv) Remove the words <<Thumb print in red ink>> including brackets and place your thumb print. Make sure you seal it with clear plastic so it cannot be directly touched unless someone deliberately removes the clear tape or plastic coating. |
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